Christian Calson-搜索结果

  • 情迷安东尼 Flirting With Anthony

    类型:爱情片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:Christian Calson   编剧:Christian Calson

    主演:Daniel Cartier, Lowe Taylor, Ryan A. Allen

      安东尼(Daniel Cartier 饰)本是黑道中的一份子,因为和同僚之间发生了矛盾而遭到了追杀,在命悬一线的生死关头,杰克救了安东尼一名,安东尼就此隐姓埋名,永远的离开了这片是非之地。之后,安东尼遇见了名为唐纳(Lowe Taylor 饰)的姑娘,两人走到了一起,开始了平静的生活。
      唐纳有一个名叫罗伊(Ryan A. Allen 饰)的弟弟,实际上,身为同性恋者的他一直默默暗恋着安东尼。一天,唐纳接到了一通意外的电话,得知自己的父亲过世了,于是她决定和安东尼一起开车回家参加父亲的葬礼。想不到在途中,安东尼竟然和杰克重逢了,多年前两人苦苦压抑的感情,终于爆发了。

  • 发光 Shiner


    导演:Christian Calson   编剧:Christian Calson

    主演:Scott Stepp, Derris Nile, Nicholas T. King, Conny Van Dyke, David Zelina, Carolyn Crotty

      A friend of mine had rented "Shiner" only because the clerks at his local video store were talking about "how much of a bigot the director is," implying that homophobia was at the root of the film (apparently these folks never watched the special features on the DVD, which totally negates that opinion). My friend took the video home and reported to me his fascination with the f...